Morning Messenger
  • Wrote a script with Python to send me a SMS text of my tasks for the day and a summary of the weather
  • Set up an AWS EC2 instance with a cron job to automatically run the script to send me a text every morning
  • Python
    AWS EC2
  • Created this project to control my laptop without touching it to watch YouTube videos while I eat
  • Utilized Google MediaPipe hand detection model and OpenCV to detect hand location and gestures
  • The hand landmarks are then interpolated from webcam to monitor resolution to control my mouse and gestures to trigger media events
  • Python
Breathe App | nwHacks 2024
  • Utilizes sensors connected to an Arduino Mega 2560 to detect air quality and GPS location
  • Python is used to send data from the Arduino to the front-end through a web socket, and used for the Flask server
  • React front-end that displays all the data from the Arduino, and uses GPT-4 to interpret and give advice based on a user-selected context based on the data
  • See more of the project here:DevpostYouTube
  • ReactJS
    Tailwind CSS
AI Exercise Form Tracker
  • Utilizes React and TensorFlowJS to run a pose-detection model in the browser on the user’s webcam feed to track form, count repetitions, and trace joint path based on user selection
  • User’s can record their exercises, download the recording once finished, or take screenshots of their webcam feed
  • Added a togglable view of the detection model and webcam, and currently supports tracking push-ups, pull-ups and squats
  • ReactJS
    Tailwind CSS
Personal Website
  • Used NextJS 13 as the framework, Tailwind CSS for styling, TypeScript, and hosted on Netlify
  • Features my projects, some skills, my resume, a little about me, and my socials to get connected
  • Includes a responsive design to account for different screen sizes and mobile view
  • Click around or view the code on GitHub!
  • ReactJS
    Tailwind CSS
React Weather App
  • Created a website that pulls from the Open Weather API to create weather cards with a quick summary of the current weather of the day from a user-inputted location
  • Made the project to grasp fundamentals of React and learn front-end development with frameworks
  • Utilized React’s component format and automatic re-render to spontaneously create cards for each location’s weather for clear display and comparison with other locations
  • HTML
Sorting Algorithm Visualizer
  • Created a website to visualize the sorting of a randomly generated array by manipulating the HTML DOM with JavaScript
  • Implemented adjustable size for the array and speed of solution
  • Created the project to prepare for my algorithms class by visualizing how some basic sorting algorithms work
  • The website visualizes bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, and quick sort
  • HTML
Discord Bot
  • Used the Discord API to create a server bot to solve issues on my personal server with friends
  • Command to flip a coin, plays a GIF and posts the result
  • Creates customizable polls in server chats by creating an embedded message with interactive reactions to vote for the options
  • Python
Fitness Tracker
  • Tracks your diet and workouts for a week including calories burned and eaten, protein, carbohydrates, fats, and personal notes for each day of the week
  • Data is tracked, saved, and reloaded between sessions using JSON files to ensure persistency
  • Created the GUI with Java Swing and utilized JUnit testing used to assure user story functionality
  • Created UML diagrams to demonstrate relationships between different classes and ensured functionality with JUnit testing
  • Java
    Java Swing